
Aplica LED inteligenta pentru baie Ledvance SMART+ Wifi Orbis Wave

SKU: 000004058075573772
Producator: Ledvance

Doar 2 rămase în stoc

120.99 lei 339.00 lei

Doar 2 rămase în stoc

Product benefits

Easy and quick installation

Areas of application

Product features
Type of protection: IP44
Controllable via LEDVANCE SMART+ WiFi App (with minimum Android™️ 4.4 or iOS 10.0)
Controllable via voice control available: Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa
Adjustable color temperature via Tunable White: 3,000…6,500 K
Network protocol: WiFi

Equipment / Accessories
Mounting bracket included
Mounting screws and dowels included
Control via app or voice control requires compatible Smart home system
For control via LEDVANCE SMART + WiFi App, a smart phone or Tablet PC is required
SKU: 000004058075573772 Categorie: